Root not just for the natural symbolism of trees, but because the definitions of root include to establish deeply and firmly, to be the origin of something, and to support and provide nourishment.

This is reflective of realising our place in nature, to feel a sense of nourishment from the outdoors in a multitude of ways, and to create a deep connection with the natural world that supports us as individuals but also encourages a sense of love and care for nature… these roots can help us find our various routes both on the trail and off it as these experiences and awareness of our connection with the rest of nature becomes rooted through us.


The outdoors help waymark my path both literally and emotionally, constantly. I know that I am most settledwhen I am outside. If I need to shake a feeling or conjure a feeling, it is most likely to happen during a walk. If I seek inspiration, a different perspective, or ideas, that is where I go. Put simply, I am waymarked by nature.